Monday, March 8, 2021

The Sins of America: #1 Abortion

Now is a horrible time in our nation. We are very divided and, I fear, we may be on a downward spiral that will only end with our country's demise. I hate to think of what America may be for my grandchildren and great grandchildren.

I fear God's hand is about to bring judgment upon us for our many sins. We call evil good and good evil. For years, we have put our fists in God's face, essentially telling Him we will live any way we so choose. Such rebellion begs the wrath of the Almighty. To this point, He has been merciful and His hand has been stayed. How much longer before He brings down His judgment?

Until He does, we have time to repent. We have the opportunity to turn from our evil ways and call upon Him, asking Him to rescue our country. We need to God-sent revival. We need to Christians to take a firm stand against anything our nation supports which God does not.

To say something is LEGAL is not the same as to say it is MORAL. Yet that is what we have done for many years. I'm convicted to jot a few posts in this BLOG on this matter. I'm calling them "The Sins of America". I intend for each one to be straightforward, easy to read, and my opinion based upon my understanding of the Word of God. I'll do my best to limit my Scripture references as well as theological terminology.

So I begin with what I believe to be the greatest sin of our land: ABORTION.

It is time the debate on this subject ends. Even before 1973, it was a hot topic and has remained so for almost 50 years. But, modern technology should squash the differences in the argument. Abortion at any point of pregnancy is destroying human life. PERIOD.

If you don't believe this, just think rationally about it for a moment.

1. What is that thing in the woman? Is it a monkey? Perhaps a shark? Maybe a bird? I know, its a Martian. Someone will blurt out "it's a fetus". The only reason they use the term "fetus" is to disguise what every expecting mom calls it: "my baby". It is human life at its earliest development. It isn't long before the brain has brain waves and the heart has heartbeats. It is truly a human at its very beginning. 

2. Modern microscopic pictures in the womb affirm this truth. What makes this newly conceived human different from a one-year old is only its growth. If nurtured, it, too, will be a year old soon. Quit trying to make it something it isn't (e.g., "clump of cells"; while that's true, the phrase is used to remove the "human" from the listener's ears. It is a clump of HUMAN cells, hence, it is human.).

Unfortunately, we have politicians in 2021 who are promoting not only abortion but also the killing of the newly born (infanticide). How ridiculous are the arguments in support of such practices. Every true follower of Jesus Christ should be outraged that we continue to permit and even support these horrific acts. 

Immediately, I can sense the incoming arguments.

1. What about the life of the mother? Per studies, a very rare occurrence if ever.

2. What about rape or incest? Horrible crimes but the child is not at fault; the attacker is. Terminating the life of the unborn solves nothing. If the mother does not wish to raise such a child, then put them up for adoption. Abortions of babies who are the result of rape or incest are also very rare (I've never heard a number higher than 3%).

3. It is a woman's right to choose what she does with her own body. Yes, until that body is no longer JUST her own. Apart from rape or incest, the woman has means of not becoming pregnant. She can say "no" or use some form of protection. That's her right to choose. But, once the choice is made, she must accept the responsibilities associated with that choice. (You shall reap what you sow).

Abortion on demand is done for whatever reason a female wants it down. Abortion is sacrificing your child to your god. Who is your Molech? (In Israel, if a person sacrificed their child to this false deity, the person was to be put to death; Leviticus 20:1-3). Perhaps your Molech is a god of finances (you don't want to spend any money on a child). Perhaps he is a god of pleasure (you just want the sexual experience without the child). Maybe he is a god of enjoyment (how will you enjoy yourself if there is a child in the mix?). If you don't want the responsibilities of parenting, don't get pregnant. 

Yes, raising a child is an impact to your financials, to your time, to you ability to be alone and enjoy certain activities, so on and so forth. Consider the cost before you act. Don't kill your child later.

I've often wondered how anyone could believe abortion is somehow a justifiable act. Pretend you are standing pregnant in the very presence of Jesus Christ. Do you honestly believe He would give you permission to slaughter that child before it is born? If so, you need to read the Gospels. And therein, I believe, is the true root of the problem. WE WANT TO BE OUR OWN GOD. We want to do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it and not be held accountable. The one true God has no place in a life governed by such principles.

Let's repent of this sin. Christians. I call on each of us to pray for the termination of this heinous act. Let us find ways to peaceably call our nation back to God and end this practice. 

I begin by calling on President Biden who claims to be devout Catholic. Your church opposes abortion. Prove your faith, sir, by your works. Do everything in your power to have abortion outlawed in our country. 

Regrettably, I will not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

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