Friday, September 3, 2021

Why I Haven't Received the COVID-19 Vaccine

 Over the past several months, I have been repeatedly encouraged to get the COVID-19 vaccine by some family members, friends, organizations, and even the Federal government. I am over 65 and have several co-morbidities. As of this post, I have refused to do so. Some want to know why, therefore, I will give you a few of my reasons. 

I have listened to the information concerning the vaccine from a variety of news organizations (not simply Fox News which I rarely listen to any more). I have read the CDC's own data bases. I have listened to scientists and medical folks ON BOTH SIDES of the issue. Finally, I have weighed this information and used my conscience to arrive at the conclusion that I will not receive the vaccine now or in the near future no matter what threats the government might use against me. 

So, in no particular order, here are some of my reasons for refusing.

1. The Federal government is seriously pushing the vaccine. Now, in my many years on this planet, I have never seen such an effort on behalf of the government to get people to do something. No matter where you turn, there is an effort to shove you into the vaccination line. Anytime government gets this demanding (even threating the use of "vaccine passports" for travel, etc.), I fear something is afoot. I have studied history and I know what they did in Germany in the 1930s. 

2. The vaccines are not approved but are in emergency use. Yes, I know the Pfizer vaccine has recently been approved but I have other reasons for not getting it. First of all, approval of these vaccines is much too rapid. While I am grateful Operation Warp Speed expedited their manufacture, we have absolutely no idea what they will do to their recipients in 20 years, 10 years, even in 1 year. From my studies, I do not believe ANY vaccine has been approved for human use in such a short time frame from its creation. I received a smallpox vaccination, polio vaccination, pneumonia vaccination, flu vaccinations, shingles vaccination, etc., but these vaccines took years of trials before being approved. I might get the COVID-19 vaccine next year or the year after, but not this soon. I want more testing.

3. Furthermore, the Nuremburg Code does not permit the forced/required use of experimental drugs on human subjects. If our government attempts to mandate every citizen receive the vaccine while it is still experimental, that would be a violation of this code. I sure have heard the word "mandate" quite often over the past few weeks. 

4. There are cures, apart from the vaccine, for COVID-19. Several doctors have used Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc successfully as well as other long-approved drugs to cure COVID-19 patients. These drugs have been downplayed in the media simply because President Trump mentioned them early in 2020 (and I'm certain he received his information from medical folks). 

5. Even if one catches COVID-19, the mortality rate is extremely low (less than 1% of those who have it). If I ever reach the decision to receive the vaccine, I would want to first be tested for COVID-19 antibodies since I may have had a mild dose of the illness in early 2020.

6. The vaccines are less effective than true antibodies.

7. Receiving the vaccine does NOT guarantee that you will not get COVID-19. Yes, in most cases, the vaccinated individual receives a milder form of COVID and avoids the hospital. But that is not true in all cases. So, even with the vaccine, there are no guarantees.

8. If I recall correctly, the three leading vaccines in the United States (Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J) are not actually vaccines like other vaccines we receive. In the other vaccines, we are given a small dose of the disease so our own immune system can develop the antibodies in preparation of battling a full onslaught of the illness. The COVID-19 vaccines manipulate the human RNA. Can anyone be certain as to the impacts on the human body by such a procedure? What about in a year? Maybe 10 years? See item 2 above.

9. The only approved COV ID-19 vaccine at this time is Pfizer. In its development and testing, this vaccine utilized cells from partially aborted babies. I am completely opposed to abortion and such usage to me if reprehensible. Some might argue that is true for other vaccines as well. If it is, I was unaware of that fact at the time I received those vaccines. In this case, though, I found this out BEFORE I received a vaccine and I will never knowingly support abortion in any form, even in this case.

10. Referring back to #1, the government and the media appear to doing all they can to keep COVID before the public eyes. They continually push fear. They tell us to wear one, two, or even three masks when the cloth masks used by most folks do NOT prevent the transmission of the bug. They tell us to keep 6 feet apart when more recent studies indicate that distance should be at least 20 feet. They constantly predict super spreader events and have been proven wrong (e.g., Sturgis). Our officials do not practice what they preach (parties without masks or distancing; President Obama's huge party; the Speaker frequently not wearing a mask while demanding members of the House do). Something is wrong with this scenario. The pandemic is never ending because political leaders have found they can use it to their advantage to gain more power. Now they wish to divide the populace into the "I have received the vaccine" and, supposedly, "antivaxxers". Well, I am not an antivaxxer. But my conscience tells me something is amiss with all of this and, for now, I will not cooperate.

It has been pointed out that I am awaiting a kidney transplant and one of my daughters, who has been vaccinated, has graciously volunteered to be my donor. From this comes two questions: first, since she has the vaccine, won't I be receiving it indirectly via the transplant? Second, how can I take her kidney but not the vaccine and possibly die soon from COVID-19? Wouldn't that be a shame for her to lose a kidney because I refused to get vaccinated?

The answer to the first question is fairly simply. She, guided by her conscience, chose to receive the vaccine. I had, and shouldn't have, any say in that matter. I have no issues with folks who get the COVID-19 vaccine. Each person must act on his own conscience. Does that mean I will be affected by the changes to her RNA in the transplant? I have no idea (nor does anyone else due to the lack of testing) but I trust the transplant team to make these decisions.

The second question is a bit more difficult. COVID-19 aside, I have asked my daughter on numerous occasions if she is certain she wishes to be a donor. I fear her giving up a kidney at such a young age. Each time I mention it, she says yes. Again, this is her decision. She knows I will not be upset if she backs out at any time. 

And, yes, even with the transplant, I might die in a year from COVID-19. Of course, I might also die the day I leave the hospital from a car accident or from a heart attack (more likely) or some other ailment. No one, but God, knows what the next day will bring to your life. I will not live in fear of death for I have a Savior no matter what happens to me. 

Again, each person must follow his conscience. My conscience tells me now is not the time for the vaccine.

1 comment:

Charles Peterson said...

Well articulated. I wish you well with your transplant. I must correct you with the supposed FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine. This is a bait and switch. The current Pfizer jab is not what was approved.

God bless you.