Monday, September 21, 2020

Why I Will NOT Vote for ANY Democrat - Part 1

 Since the election of President Trump, the Democrats and virtually all the media have tried everything to remove him from office. Of course, nothing has been successful. Their hope now rests with former Vice President Joe Biden and they are going to all lengths to make that hope a reality.

There is much I could write about our former VP. But, instead, I have decided to pen a few blog entries (yes, I still have a blog! Haven't been very discipline with it.) calling attention to the reasons why I cannot and will not vote for ANY Democrat in 2020 (and likely into the future). My entries will focus on sections of the 2020 Democratic National Platform, not on individual candidates or news events. I acknowledge not each and every Democrat holds to every position in the platform, but reality is every Democrat will support Democrat legislative proposals even in areas of disagreement.

With that said, let me begin. The following section is a quote from the platform preamble.

The challenges before us—the worst public health crisis in a century, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, the worst period of global upheaval in a generation, the urgent global crisis posed by climate change, the intolerable racial injustice that still stains the fabric of our nation—will test America’s character like never before.

These few statements are completely misleading. The worst public health crisis in a century is not the result of the present administration. The crisis has come about via a virus from China. A simple reading of what happened in January and February reveal the President took quick steps to stop travel from China and Europe. In doing so, he was called xenophobic (among many things) by several Democrats (e.g., Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi). These same Democrats didn't say much about the virus for months while the President acted in January. Yes, it's a terrible health crisis. But no one, at least in the administration, is responsible for it. 

Some will say we weren't prepared. We lacked equipment. And that's true. No one anticipated a pandemic this year. However, the unavailability of equipment can be traced back to the cuts by the Obama-Biden administration.

I've heard some say the release of the virus was a plot by the Democrats to crash the economy and give them something to use in their efforts to remove the President. Personally, I don't believe it. Maybe I'm naive, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Nevertheless, while I can't blame it on the Democrats, neither can they paint the picture that the blame lies with the President. And that's exactly what they are claiming in the above statement. If THEY were in charge, this would have NEVER happened! HOGWASH! The death counts would have been higher because the Democrats ignore the virus for at least two months!

Of course, the "worst economic downturn since the Great Depression" followed. That's what happens when the scientists (remember, we must believe the science) recommend the President locked down everything. He followed the science! The end result: the economy tanks. What else can the economy do? Again, the statement above leads one to the impression that such a downturn would have never happened under the Democrats. NONSENSE. This is not the fault of the Republicans; it is a result of the virus. It makes not difference which party is in the majority.

Let us also remember that prior to the virus, our economy was booming like no other time in history. Unemployment was at historic lows, median income at all time highs, the stock market climbing and climbing. Why? Our growth was NOT the result of the Democrats, although their preamble sentence gives the impression the economy would grow greatly with them in charge. The growth is because of the President's economic policies. He, and the GOP, cut taxes, cut regulations, and BOOM! In less than four years, our economy went from dismal (under Democrat rule) to fantastic!

Furthermore, while the virus drove down the economy and raised unemployment, the President's policies are, once more, restoring that fallen economy to its record levels. Unemployment is dropping and income is rising once again. 

Climate change remains on the Democrat platform. They talk and act as though every scientist in the world accepts climate change as a reality. Well, yes, the climate changes all the time. But the evidence that humans are the cause of this change and that the world is doomed in twelve yes (per Rep. AOC) is very much lacking. Furthermore, the most outspoken supporters of the "doom" climate change hypothesis seem to be the ones who own and operate multiple homes and private jets. Why do those who scream that "the end is near" because of our impact on the climate and that the sea levels are going to rise and flood the coasts buy homes on the ocean fronts? Until there is concrete proof of climate change, it is improper to make such a claim. 

Such misleading statements are commonplace from the Democrats. I know there are many people who hate the President. But, if you listen to what he promised to do if elected back in 2016, he has accomplished or is accomplishing almost everything he set out to do. He said it, he's doing it. Never in my seventy years on this earth has any President fulfilled as many of his campaign promises as has President Trump. He says things I do not like and he says things sometimes in ways I don't like. But, when he says he's going to do something, he does it. 

That has not been my experience with the Democrats. They say one thing to one group and something else to the other. For example, candidate Biden early on "under a Biden administration, there will be no fracking". Nominee Biden recently claimed he will not banish all fracking (while he spoke to a Pennsylvania audience, by the way). Behind the scenes, AOC claims, if Biden is elected, the progressives will push him left meaning no fracking. I can't believe what they say.

The President promises and delivers. The Democrats make misleading statements like the one above, say one thing to one group and another to another group, and seem more concerned with their power than with their service. 

Too many lies (spoken or implied) flow from their lips. 

Psalm 7:14 - "Behold, the wicked man conceives evil and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies.

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